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Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sanctions squeeze all but the tycoons

February 11, 2012     
<em>Illustration: Simon Letch</em>

Illustration: Simon Letch                                   
Burma is largely a cash economy, with 60 per cent of its export income not recorded in its official statistics, according to a top government economist, and some $300 million in inward capital flows arriving by informal means.

US dollars are the preferred medium of exchange, with locals rejecting all but the crispest, unsullied large-denomination bills, even though these are the most likely to have rolled off the printing presses of Pyongyang.
US-based credit cards such as Amex and Visa are, strictly speaking, not usable in Burma because of Washington's financial sanctions. Still, when the Herald's $US100 bills were deemed too creased and discoloured at our Rangoon hotel last week, an Amex card was grudgingly accepted.

A day after a form was filled in with the card details, the hotel bill in US dollars and signed, another Amex printout arrived, converted into Singapore dollars, plus a healthy margin, and bearing the imprint of the DBS Bank, one of Singapore's major commercial banks.
Thus are sanctions circumvented, not without a large surcharge taken by the sanction breaker. The role of Singapore's banks in weakening US sanctions cannot be unknown to the US Treasury, but presumably Singapore is too loyal a strategic ally to Washington for its banks to be cut off from the heart of the global financial system.
As Burma's political transition moves closer to the point where Western countries are easing sanctions, governments face delicate decisions about how fast to move in response to Aung San Suu Kyi's clearance to contest byelections and to a series of political prisoner releases.
Last Monday, the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, announced the lifting of restrictions on economic consultations, clearing the way for the American-dominated international financial institutions, the IMF and World Bank, to begin helping Burma plan its economic recovery. Australia has cut the number of Burmese on its individual sanctions list.
How effective have sanctions been? Over the past week, the Herald has met several of Burma's top business chiefs, two of them on American and Australian sanctions lists. All assert that sanctions helped the biggest tycoons grow bigger, caused thousands of small entrepreneurs to go bust, and forced the country closer to China.
''The way around the sanctions has been to set up a counterpart office in Singapore, to conduct echo trades,'' said one tycoon, who ruefully says he was put on the US list in George W. Bush's last day in office. He claims to have been deemed a ''crony'' simply because as chief of a commerce chamber, he was often photographed at functions alongside army generals.
''This costs a bit, and the Singapore banks take a 3 to 4 per cent commission, so this pathway is only open to big groups like mine,'' the tycoon added. ''So we got bigger and the small people went broke. For this we should thank the Americans.''
Serge Pun, whose SPA Group is big in real estate, financial services and car assembly, is not on the sanctions list but says the same. The isolation forced widespread closures in manufacturing, except for those willing to relabel their garments and textiles in China, again at a mark-up.
''So as a result of those sanctions, those factories had no choice but to close down,'' Pun said. ''The immediate effect was a loss of employment for a vast number of people.'' Some businessmen think half a million jobs could be quickly added in garment making if sanctions were lifted.
In Rangoon this week, the Herald dropped in on Zaw Zaw, an entrepreneur whose Max Myanmar group employs about 10,000 people in hotels and banking, and who remains on Australia's sanctions list. Sanctions have choked development of labour-intensive industry that would spread welfare through the country, he said. ''I can afford to send my son and daughter to international schools here, but what about the ordinary people and their welfare?'' he said.
Zaw, 44, was a final-year maths student at Rangoon University when the 1988 student uprising caused the military to close the campus. He went to Singapore to work, and returned to Burma in 1995. ''If you want to start a business, you cannot wait 10 or 20 years,'' he said. ''You have to start when you are 25 or 30 years old. If I hadn't started, I wouldn't have reached my goal. And if you do business anywhere in the world you have to be close to the government, because they have the big projects and the policies.''
In Rangoon, big business is now widening political contacts to include Suu Kyi and her National League for Democracy, and urging economic opening more loudly. No one, of course, is admitting to have been a military crony, just simple businessmen keeping their heads down. Indeed, most of Asia's big business houses started as ''cronies'' or ''compradores''.
But the moment for lifting at least the civilian sanctions is approaching, probably after the April 1 byelections, if they are fair and transparent. At the moment, that is still an open question. Draconian laws still make Suu Kyi's electioneering technically illegal, until a week before the polls, giving hardliners an excuse for a crackdown. Nor has the President, Thein Sein, said whether outside observers will be permitted.
Set Aung, the President's economic adviser, says lifting sanctions would greatly reinforce reforms. ''If they are lifted, if we can have normalised relations with international financial institutions, then the awkward situation that we are in will become normal,'' he said.
In an interview last week with Radio Australia's Burmese service, the Foreign Minister, Kevin Rudd, said several times Australian policy was being referred to Suu Kyi for her approval. But once she herself is working inside the system, Rudd should take wider advice. The civilian sanctions could come off. The still mysterious Tatmadaw, the military, has a lot more transparency to show.
Hamish McDonald was in Burma as guest of Melbourne University's Asialink for a dialogue with Burmese and other south-east Asian officials, business people and opinion leaders. 



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